Photo: André Tribbensee
Throwing Salt Into the Sea by André Tribbensee (NO/DE)
26 June 15:30 at Odderøya – meeting point outside Vaktbua ten minutes before, at 15:20. Look for the person with white shoes.
Suitable for: Everyone who is motivated to participate. Limited number of participants
Duration: 2 hours, including walking. Expect to meet up at Vaktbua 10 min. in advance.
Tickets: Click here to book
(doing the right thing)
In the stairway of my studio on Odderøy island in Kristiansand, I’ve got a bag of salt waiting for being taken care of. It has been laying there for about 7 years already, while the salt itself is several million years old.
What are we going to do during Ravnedans?
We will do the right thing, throwing the salt back into the sea.
Since the salt is millions of years old I would like to finally do what has to be done with dignity and together with people who want to gather around that. Within that space, everything can happen, and I want to keep that open until we meet. This project is not about me, my art or its participants, but about earth, the sea, an action and about respect. Togetherness suits that concept. Our performance may be a meditation as well as metaphor for more. You may look at the appearing action the movements of thoughts, emotions words and bodies and the final happening as a dance, even I don’t think it is necessary to classify it.
The event will happen only that one time, it has never happened before and will never happen again nor being photographed, there will be no audience and no observers, it will not being predicted or pre-produced, it will be created in the very moment when we come together, being present.
From the first moment and during the entire happening and final performance there will be applied one general rule: It will be not allowed to talk about anything else then the salt, the sea and what we are going to do.
We will meet as equals.
Performers will not consist as usual of hired in professionals, but of human beings who are motivated to participate. Interested people have to pre-register, getting some short and basic information in the beginning of the festival about what they should be prepared for and where they will be fetched to get into the garden from where we will start.
André Tribbensee har lenge vært interessert i kunstens transformative potensialer og dens relevans i samfunnet. Siden han migrerte til Norge i 2000 har han utviklet prosjekter som reflekterer og eksperimenterer med dette.
Andrés initiativer Salong og Politisk Atelier (samarbeide med A.K. Solbakken på tidlig 2000-tallet i Kristiansand), Temporary Academy i 2014, co- kurateringen av den internasjonale konferansen Rethinking Art Education på Bragdøya i 2015, Det Parallelle Universitetet i 2016, og det relasjonelle kunstprosjektet RESONANCE i Alijó Portugal våren 22, er eksempler for dette.
Tribbensee er multimedia kunstner, kurator og aktivist og jobber for tiden med dokumentarfilm, foto, utstillinger, og aksjoner i grenselandet mellom visuell kunst, scenekunst, performance og relasjonell estetikk. Medlem av både Norske Billedkunstnere og Scenekunst Sør.
Direction/choreography André Tribbensee
Assistant Mathilde Hirth
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